
Altar Servers

What does an Altar Server do?

As an altar server, you are responsible for assisting the priest during Mass.  Being a server means serving God and his people at Mass.

Which mass will I be assigned to?

We need altar servers at all of our weekend Masses. You primarily serve at the Mass of your choice, but we ask that all altar servers help cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments, and occasionally when an altar server is unable to serve their scheduled mass.

How often do I serve?

Depending on the number of altar servers assigned to a particular Mass, you may serve once or twice a month or more infrequently.

What’s the time commitment?

Generally, the time commitment is about 15 minutes before and after mass. That may vary depending on the particular mass you serve.

Are there meetings?

Our only meetings are when there are changes to our routine, or when called for by our pastor or liturgist. Generally, the meetings are very few and average once or twice a year. A training session will be provided for all new servers.

Whom should I contact if I have more questions?

Feel free to speak to any of the altar servers that serve at our Masses and talk with them about their experience as altar server. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail:

  • a registered parishioner
  • 4th grade or older (including adults)
  • wish to serve God
Altar Server’s Prayer

Open my mouth, O Lord, to bless your Holy Name.

Cleanse my heart from all evil and distracting thoughts.

Enlighten my understanding and inflame my will that I may serve more worthily at your holy altar.

O Mary, Mother of Christ the High Priest, obtain for me the most important grace of knowing my vocation in life.

Grant me a true spirit of faith and humble obedience so that I may ever behold the priest as a representative of God and willingly follow him in the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Christ.


Eucharistic Ministers

What does a Eucharistic minister do?

Eucharistic ministers assist in the distribution of the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at the Mass.  In addition they help in the sacristy before and immediately following Mass.

Before and after Mass

Before every Mass, you are responsible for checking your name off in the sacristy and signing up for a communion distribution station.  After Mass you remove the offertory collection from the altar and take it directly to the sacristy.  There you place all money and envelopes in the deposit bag and sign the security log. An usher will take it to the bank.

Which mass will I be assigned to?

We need Eucharistic ministers at all of our weekend Masses.  You primarily work at the Mass of your choice, but we ask that all Eucharistic ministers help cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments and occasionally when a Eucharistic minister is unable to serve their scheduled Mass.

How often do I serve?

Depending on the number of Eucharistic ministers assigned to a particular Mass, you may serve once or twice a month or more infrequently. As another option, you may choose to serve as a substitute.

What’s the time commitment?

Generally, the time commitment is about 15 minutes before and after your Mass. That may vary depending on the particular Mass you serve.

Are there meetings?

Our only meetings are when there are changes to our routine, or when called for by our pastor or liturgist. Generally, the meetings are very few and average once or twice a year. A training session will be provided for all new Eucharistic ministers.

Whom should I contact if I have more questions?

Feel free to speak to any of the Eucharistic ministers that serve at our Masses and talk with them about their experience as Eucharistic minister. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail:

  • a registered parishioner
  • received the sacrament of confirmation
  • wish to serve God
Prayer for Eucharistic Ministers

O Spirit of Wisdom and Truth, with gratitude I accept this great opportunity to feed your poor and hungry people. Cleanse me and forgive me for all of my offenses. Let me be a pure vessel to bring the Bread of Life to God’s people. I am only a servant at the foot of the Cross. As the blood from your wounds spills upon me, allow me to place it in the chalice of your mercy and give it to your people to drink. Allow me to carry your broken and wounded body in my arms and present you to those who hunger. And if I should wander from the flock, come and find me, Lord. Nurture me, forgive me, and feed me, so that once again I may become one of the gardeners to take care of your precious rose [the Church] upon the earth. Amen.


What does a Lector do?

As lector, you are responsible for proclaiming the Word of God.  Lectors are responsible for the announcements at the start of mass, the first and second readings during the Liturgy of the Word, and the prayers of the faithful.

The week of Mass and before Mass

The week prior to Mass you should pick up a Lector workbook from the sacristy.  You will need to practice your readings and look up any pronunciations you may be uncertain.  Before every mass, you are responsible for checking your name off in the sacristy.  The lector is also invited to be a part of the entrance procession at the start of mass.

Which mass will I be assigned to?

Primarily, you work at the Mass of your choice, but we ask that all lectors help cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments, and occasionally  when a lector is unable to serve their scheduled Mass.

How often do I serve?

Guardian Angels is blessed with many lectors so you may serve once a month or less. You can choose to serve only as a substitute or trade off with the other lectors and serve on a rotating basis.

What’s the time commitment?

Generally, the time commitment is your preparation/practice time the week prior to the Mass you serve and about 15 minutes before Mass.

Are there meetings?

Our only meetings are when there are changes to our routine, or when called for by our pastor or liturgist. Generally, the meetings are very few and average once or twice a year. A training session  is provided for all new lectors.

Whom should I contact if I have more questions?

Feel free to speak to any of the lectors that serve at our Masses and talk with them about their experience as lector. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail:

  • a registered parishioner
  • received the sacrament of confirmation
  • wish to serve God

If you have any questions, please contact

Prayer for Lectors

Praise to you, Lord God,
king of the universe,
and all glory to your name.
I praise you and thank you for calling me
to proclaim your word to your beloved people.

Open the hearts of all who worship with us,
so that they may hear your voice when I read.
Let nothing in my life or manner disturb your people
or close their hearts to the action of your Spirit.

Cleanse my heart and mind,
and open my lips so that I may proclaim your glory.
All praise to you, heavenly Father,
through the Lord Jesus in the Holy Spirit,
now and forever. Amen

Ministers of Hospitality

What does a minister of hospitality do?

Minister of hospitality, commonly called ushers or greeters, are responsible for welcoming parishioners and visitors into the church, selecting a family to bring up the offertory gifts, taking the collection(s), distributing bulletins at the end of mass, and bringing deposits to the bank.

What are the qualities of an usher?

Ushers are friendly people who welcome all ages and nationalities. Their faith enables them to see Christ’s presence in individuals and in the gathered community of believers. They are honest and dependable. Ushers handle emergency situations with courage and composure.

Which mass will I be assigned to? How often do I serve?

You will be scheduled only for masses you wish to serve. You can usher as often or as little as you like.

What’s the time commitment?

Generally, the time commitment is about 15 minutes before and after your mass. That may vary depending on the particular mass you serve.

Are there meetings?

Our only meetings are when there are changes to our routine, or when called for by our pastor or liturgist. Generally, the meetings are very few and average once or twice a year. A training session will be provided for all new ministers of hospitality.

Whom should I contact if I have more questions?

Feel free to speak to any of the ushers that serve at our masses and talk with them about their experience as usher. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail:

  • a registered parishioner
  • received the sacrament of confirmation
  • wish to serve God
An Usher’s Prayer

Lord, in your love you gather your people this day,
help me to serve them in a Christ-like manner,
even as you son Jesus served those who gathered about him.

Make me prayerful, patient, helpful and understanding,
and may I radiate the joy that faith brings as I serve their needs.

Give me your strength to support my fellow ministers.

May all who assemble to celebrate our common faith in the risen savior
be glad of heart for being here and for having encountered
your son in one another, in our priest, at the tables of the book and the bread,
and through the ministry of ushers like me.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Music Ministry

Brittany Kaufmann
(763) 355-6905 Email

Do you like to sing or play an instrument? Then you have come to the right place! Here at Church of the Guardian Angels, we do our best to provide people of all ages with the opportunity to share their musical talents with the entire community and to praise God in song!

There are two choirs here at Guardian Angels. The Adult Choir (entering grades 11+ – young at heart) and the Youth Choir (entering grades 4-10). Both will start again in September after having the summer off.

To join the Adult Choir, contact Brittany Kaufmann using the information below.

Information about joining the Youth Choir 2024-2025 will be available soon!

Instrumentalists are also welcome!


What does a sacristan do?

Sacristans are responsible for Mass set-up and clean-up after Mass along with the Eucharistic Ministers and Ushers.

Mass set up and clean up

Before Mass, you are responsible for setting up for both the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist which means preparing the books, vessels, offertory, and incense when appropriate.

Which Mass will I be assigned to?

We need sacristans at all of our weekend Masses. You will primarily work at the Mass of your choice, but we ask that all sacristans help cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments and occasionally when another sacristan is unable to serve their scheduled Mass.

How often do I serve?

You will usually serve once or twice a month but you may be asked to serve more often in the case of special occasions. You may also choose to serve only as a substitute sacristan if the scheduling commitment doesn’t work for you.

What’s the time commitment?

The time commitment is generally a half hour before and about 15 minutes after your scheduled Mass. Time may vary depending on the particular Mass and how quickly you are able to work.

Are there meetings?

Meetings are only called when changes are made to our routine or when called for by our pastor or liturgist. On average, the parish calls sacristan meetings only once or twice a year. A training session is provided for all new sacristans.

Whom should I contact if I have more questions?

Feel free to speak to any of the sacristans that serve at our Masses and talk with them about their experience as sacristan. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail:


If you are interested in becoming a Sacristan, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail:

Sacristan Prayer

May these “Martha’s tasks” be pleasing to you, Lord Jesus,
as I prepare this space for the worship of this community.
Let me put on a “Mary attitude,” being ever glad to be in your presence in these small jobs which ready us for the celebration.
And finally, give me, O God, heartfelt joy
as I go about my tasks together with those around me.
Blessed be your Holy Name.