What does a Lector do?
As lector, you are responsible for proclaiming the Word of God. Lectors are responsible for the announcements at the start of mass, the first and second readings during the Liturgy of the Word, and the prayers of the faithful.
The week of Mass and before Mass
The week prior to Mass you should pick up a Lector workbook from the sacristy. You will need to practice your readings and look up any pronunciations you may be uncertain. Before every mass, you are responsible for checking your name off in the sacristy. The lector is also invited to be a part of the entrance procession at the start of mass.
Which mass will I be assigned to?
Primarily, you work at the Mass of your choice, but we ask that all lectors help cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments, and occasionally when a lector is unable to serve their scheduled Mass.
How often do I serve?
Guardian Angels is blessed with many lectors so you may serve once a month or less. You can choose to serve only as a substitute or trade off with the other lectors and serve on a rotating basis.
What’s the time commitment?
Generally, the time commitment is your preparation/practice time the week prior to the Mass you serve and about 15 minutes before Mass.
Are there meetings?
Our only meetings are when there are changes to our routine, or when called for by our pastor or liturgist. Generally, the meetings are very few and average once or twice a year. A training session is provided for all new lectors.
Whom should I contact if I have more questions?
Feel free to speak to any of the lectors that serve at our Masses and talk with them about their experience as lector. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail: bkaufmann@gachaska.org.
- a registered parishioner
- received the sacrament of confirmation
- wish to serve God
If you have any questions, please contact bkaufmann@gachaska.org.
Prayer for Lectors
Praise to you, Lord God,
king of the universe,
and all glory to your name.
I praise you and thank you for calling me
to proclaim your word to your beloved people.
Open the hearts of all who worship with us,
so that they may hear your voice when I read.
Let nothing in my life or manner disturb your people
or close their hearts to the action of your Spirit.
Cleanse my heart and mind,
and open my lips so that I may proclaim your glory.
All praise to you, heavenly Father,
through the Lord Jesus in the Holy Spirit,
now and forever. Amen