Community & Outreach

Bountiful Basket

The Bountiful Basket is a locally and volunteer run food shelf for Eastern Carver County that is located at 1600 Bavaria Rd, Chaska. Guardian Angels participates with the food shelf throughout the year, including the Packup-A-Pickup food drive each March. For more information on getting involved with food drives or with volunteering directly at the food shelf call 952-556-0244 or visit their website at

Coffee & Donuts on Sundays

Coffee and Donuts is back at Guardian Angels after 8 & 10 a.m. Sunday Mass!

We are in need of groups, families or friends to sign up to host!

It’s simple! It’s easy! It’s fun! Sign up today by clicking on this link

If you have any questions, call the main office at 952-227-4000.

Daughters of Isabella

The Daughters of Isabella Circle #888, members are part of one of the largest Catholic women’s organizations with the purpose of uniting all Catholic women in a sisterhood to achieve their motto of Unity, Friendship and Charity.  Guardian Angels Circle hosts annual fundraising projects for area Pro-Life groups and Guardian Angels Parish and School.

Giving Tree


The Giving Tree is an opportunity for Guardian Angels parishioners to help provide Christmas gifts to individuals and families in need. Every November trees are set up in the back of church with tags listing the particular needs of local residents that parishioners then purchase and donate.  

Knights of Columbus

We are men of faith. Guided not only by our belief in God and the Catholic Church, but by our belief in each other, and in ourselves.

We are the Knights of Columbus. Believing that a man is defined by his actions as a follower of God, and as a leader in his community. Believing that a man is more than simply a man, when he bears the title of “Knight.”

“Dedicated to making a difference and building a Future…”

It is through five key areas of service – faith, community, family, youth, and fellowship – that the Knights of Columbus truly make a difference.

As Knights, our faith is our foundation. Dedicated to the Catholic Church’s growth and her good works, we support religious outreach and promote vocations in an effort to strengthen the faith that unites us.

Come and join us!

Please visit our website at for more information!

Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes prepares and serves meals to people in need in the area of Carver and Scott County at St. Mark’s Church in Shakopee. Guardian Angels’ volunteers provide the food, meal preparation and serves for the ministry on the fifth Thursday of the month but dinner is served every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at 350 South Atwood Street. Anyone is welcome for dinner.

Love, INC

Love in the Name of Christ (Love Inc) is a partnership of over 25 Eastern Carver County Churches, including Guardian Angels, who provide support for area families and individuals who are in need of help. For more information or to volunteer, visit their website at or call at 952-448-3261.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a nationwide program that provides older Americans nutritious meals and safety checks at little to no cost. The meals can be delivered to your home if you meet eligibility requirements, or you can go to a congregate nutrition site for socialization and food. If you struggle with isolation and meal prep, then Meals on Wheels could provide ease and companionship.

Currently, there are no congregate dining sites in Carver County. Home delivered meals are available with a seven-day advance meal reservation. Registration can be done over the phone or in person at the Talheim Apartments (407 Oak Street North, Chaska).

Pastoral Care for the Homebound

Pastoral Care ministers go out and visit parishioners on a regular basis that are sick or homebound. If you are interested in volunteering or know of someone needing a Pastoral Care Minister please call the Parish Office at 952-227-4000,

Pastoral Council

Bill Van Hecke

Our Parish Pastoral Council meets usually on third Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Office Conference room or the Saint Francis Hall.  Please contact Bill Van Hecke to let him know that you are coming.  The council discusses pastoral needs in the parish based on the lived experience of parishioners.  Together with the pastor, it seeks to offer a pastoral response that meets the practical and spiritual needs of the people as they carry out their desire to encounter and praise God.

Prayer Request Line

Guardian Angels Prayer Line is honored to pray for you and your loved ones upon request. Intentions will be sent to all the members of the group by email. Each member prays for the intention in their own special way. If you have a prayer request or would like to join the prayer group please contact or 952-227-4000.

Sunday Eucharist for the Homebound

On Sunday mornings, teams of two Homebound Ministers bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. If you or someone you know would like to receive the Eucharist on Sunday mornings, or if you’d like to become a Sunday Homebound Minister please contact Lucy or email