Eucharistic Ministers

What does a Eucharistic minister do?

Eucharistic ministers assist in the distribution of the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at the Mass.  In addition they help in the sacristy before and immediately following Mass.

Before and after Mass

Before every Mass, you are responsible for checking your name off in the sacristy and signing up for a communion distribution station.  After Mass you remove the offertory collection from the altar and take it directly to the sacristy.  There you place all money and envelopes in the deposit bag and sign the security log. An usher will take it to the bank.

Which mass will I be assigned to?

We need Eucharistic ministers at all of our weekend Masses.  You primarily work at the Mass of your choice, but we ask that all Eucharistic ministers help cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments and occasionally when a Eucharistic minister is unable to serve their scheduled Mass.

How often do I serve?

Depending on the number of Eucharistic ministers assigned to a particular Mass, you may serve once or twice a month or more infrequently. As another option, you may choose to serve as a substitute.

What’s the time commitment?

Generally, the time commitment is about 15 minutes before and after your Mass. That may vary depending on the particular Mass you serve.

Are there meetings?

Our only meetings are when there are changes to our routine, or when called for by our pastor or liturgist. Generally, the meetings are very few and average once or twice a year. A training session will be provided for all new Eucharistic ministers.

Whom should I contact if I have more questions?

Feel free to speak to any of the Eucharistic ministers that serve at our Masses and talk with them about their experience as Eucharistic minister. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 952-227-4000 or by e-mail:

  • a registered parishioner
  • received the sacrament of confirmation
  • wish to serve God
Prayer for Eucharistic Ministers

O Spirit of Wisdom and Truth, with gratitude I accept this great opportunity to feed your poor and hungry people. Cleanse me and forgive me for all of my offenses. Let me be a pure vessel to bring the Bread of Life to God’s people. I am only a servant at the foot of the Cross. As the blood from your wounds spills upon me, allow me to place it in the chalice of your mercy and give it to your people to drink. Allow me to carry your broken and wounded body in my arms and present you to those who hunger. And if I should wander from the flock, come and find me, Lord. Nurture me, forgive me, and feed me, so that once again I may become one of the gardeners to take care of your precious rose [the Church] upon the earth. Amen.