Ministry Schedules

Using Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP)


Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) is an invaluable program that allows our ministry coordinators to schedule every liturgical ministry in one place. With the sheer number of volunteers we have, it would be impossible to do so otherwise. The web terminal allows you to update your personal information, check when you are scheduled for your various ministries, and submit dates and times you may be unavailable. In order for the system to work best, it is imperative that your contact information and unavailable dates/times remain current, and that you check email correspondence as often as possible.  

Getting Set Up

Once you are added to the system you will receive an email with your username and temporary password. Upon your first log in, you will set your password.

Home Tab

This tab contains the greeting into the MSP portal for Guardian Angels. It also contains a link to download the current parish bulletin.

My Schedule Tab

This is where you will find a list of all of your personal assignments. You can click on each assignment to see who else is scheduled for that day. At the bottom of the list is also a list of sub requests for your particular ministry. Please check this area often and pick up sub requests whenever you are able. 

Full Schedule Tab

This is where you will find the full active schedule, grouped by weekend. It is another way to see the sub requests. You will notice that each sub request or open slot will have a button to accept or fill that spot. You may do so at any time.

Rosters Tab

By clicking on each ministry link shown here, you can access the full roster of other people in your ministry. Every minister is important for the celebration of our liturgies. If you know you are going to ask for a sub request for a certain date, it would be especially helpful if you checked with other people on the roster to see if they can fill your position.

My Profile Tab

This page is where you can edit your personal information. It is imperative that your contact information remain up-to-date. This is also where you can edit service preferences, enter unavailable dates/times, and submit comments to the ministry coordinators about your profile. Please keep all of this info as up to date as possible to avoid getting scheduled for a service you are unavailable for. Also, make sure to press “submit” at the bottom of the page to save any changes you may have made. Ministry coordinators will automatically receive your information, unavailable times, and comments and process them accordingly.

Help Tab

Follow the link provided for even more information on how to use the web terminal.

For any other questions about the MSP system, please do not hesitate to contact